Coffin Club

Coffin Club Hastings was the first club to set up in the UK, in 2017. Since that time, it has gone from strength-to-strength with its membership increasing and a separate social group of ex-clubbers also thriving.

Coffin Club Hastings runs in six-week blocks. It is a safe space to come and learn about all the choices available to you for your end-of-life celebration. Each week there is a different invited speaker – from independent funeral directors, to end-of-life doulas and everything in between – and our clubbers work their way through their funeral wish-list until they’ve planned, and costed, the send-off that is just perfect for them!

In addition to being an educational platform there is also the opportunity, for those who wish to, to decorate their own coffin.

And, once you’ve completed the course, you then have the option of joining our other past clubbers for a once-a-month cuppa and catch up!

Coffin Club is a safe space to talk about death and plan your perfect send-off. It’s a place to come and learn about all the options available to you for your end-of-life celebration so that you are not simply channelled into having 20 minutes up the crem because you don’t know there are any other choices available to you. It is also somewhere to address funeral poverty by demystifying the costs involved.

Transition Town Hastings Discord channel

A one stop online space to join conversations, learn more about our meetings and projects.