Volunteer to help with mosaic workshops

mosaic idea

We’ve been working hard fundraising and we are very happy to say we (that’s the community/public/everyone!) are going to create the Mosaic at Warrior Square Station this summer.

This will consist of 11 days of workshops from 10th-19th July at Zoom Arts (right by the station and the mosaic site).

We would love your help at the workshops.

It would be easy things like:
Getting room ready
Doing some of the mosaic- most important!
Watching that people don’t put their grubby hands on the artwork!!!
Keep an eye on things not getting too messy in general
Sweeping floor occasionally
Keeping table and work area clean & regularly wiped
Showing people where toilets are
Equipping people with aprons/shirts etc
Giving out refreshments

Also there is a Beach Walk early June to help with the design.

We are having a prep & training session for volunteers on Thurs 11th July from 7-9pm– can you come along?
Email info@transitiontownhastings.org.uk.

(Illustration of mosaic is not final design)

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2 responses to “Volunteer to help with mosaic workshops”

  1. Jackie Craig avatar

    I would love to help with this creation.Please update me with meeting times at excaliburjacks@yahoo.co.uk
    or by text on 07837153532.

    1. TThastings avatar

      Hi Jackie

      Hope you have been updated with the workshop dates. Let me know if not! Sarah

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