Sustainable water

Clean Water Action Hastings & St Leonards
Campaigning to #endsewagepollution in Hastings & St Leonards since 2021! Currently crowdfunding for citizen science water testing: Instagram: cleanwateractgp Twitter: CleanWaterActGp
Phone Number
07885 779534
United Nations Association (UNA)
These volunteer-run groups support our work by organising a diverse range of grass-roots activities. Ranging from speaker and fundraising events to film screenings and coffee mornings, these activities raise awareness and interest in the work of the United Nations at a local level across the country.
Cleaner Rivers, Cleaner Seas By community engagement and citizen science. STRANDLINERS CIC, an all-volunteer community interest company, was incorporated in December 2018. STRANDLINERS is based in East Sussex STRANDLINERS’ Executive Director, Andy Dinsdale, has been leading riverbank- and beach-cleans since 2004 and regularly represents the company at national and international marine conservation conferences. He shares […]
Filsham Reedbeds
Filsham Reedbed A large reedbed with ditches and lagoons, set in a river valley floodplain One of the largest reedbeds in Sussex, Filsham Reedbed sits at the southern end of the Combe Haven Valley, the green space between Bexhill and Hastings. The valley contains a range of wetland habitats and is an important resource for […]
Woods Mill,
West Sussex,
Hastings Fishermen’s Protection Society (HFPS)
Hastings is one of Britain’s oldest fishing ports and the boats have worked from the stone beach for over a thousand years. Hastings Fishermen’s Protection Society, formed in 1831, preserves the fishing community’s medieval right to work from the stone beach.
Phone Number
01424 72232
Hastings Fishermen’s Protection Society, Office 5, Rock-a-nore Road, Hastings, East Sussex
TN34 3DW
Council water butts
Compost Bins Working with councils across the UK to deliver great value compost bins water butts and more –
Hastings Refill Scheme
With promotion from Transition Town Hastings, Refill Hastings are encouraging as many cafes, bars, restaurants and other businesses to sign up to become a Refill station so that members of the public can top up their refillable bottles on the go and so far are getting a great reception from businesses across the town from […]

Transition Town Hastings Discord channel

A one stop online space to join conversations, learn more about our meetings and projects.